Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center
Financial Assistance
Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt health services organization providing a continuum of essential health care services.
JMHCC has adopted a charity care/financial assistance program to provide discounted health care services to individuals who meet established eligibility guidelines.
If you are interested in learning more about the program or to complete an application, contact the JMHCC business office at 701-584-7231.

Please read our complete policy on charity care here.

For a "plain language" summary of the charity care policy, click here.
Advance Care Planning
Online Bill Payment
To offer another convenient method of payment for its patients, Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center accepts debit or credit card payments online.
Through this service, patients can make payments at their convenience any time of the day. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express cards are accepted.
For further convenience, statements will still be mailed to patients. Enter an email address on the online form, and a receipt will also be emailed.
In addition, JMHCC offers an automatic payment plan utilizing a credit or debit card. Payment plans can be established to automatically deduct a payment at set intervals, such as weekly or monthly.
To enroll in the automatic payment plan, complete and return a customer authorization form available from the JMHCC business office in Elgin. Then payments will be charged to a credit or debit card account in the frequency and amount listed.
This also allows patients to conveniently pay bills without the hassle of remembering to mail a payment each month.
For more information or to request a customer authorization form for the automatic payment plan, please contact the billing office at JMHCC at 701-584-2792.
Business office hours:
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. MT
Clinic billing: 701-508-0406 

It is the patient’s responsibility to provide us with required insurance information. Medicare Part A covers inpatient hospital services. Medicare Part B covers clinic services, physician fees and outpatient hospital services.

Patient rights

It is the philosophy of Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center that all persons, regardless of race, color, creed, age, sex, or financial status, are entitled to the best care to help individuals continue their lives to the maximum of their abilities; that patients have available to their physical, mental, social, restorative, and spiritual needs the services which will speed their recovery and enrich their life.
In view of its mission, Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center recognizes that every competent patient has the right and responsibility to control the decisions relating to their own health care.

These patient's rights include the right to:
• Considerate and respectful care.
• Treatment and services consistent with acceptable professional standards   of practice.
• Make informed decisions involving care and to participate in any care.
• Personal privacy and confidentiality of information.
• Formulate advance directives.
• Expect reasonable continuity of care.
• Be informed of hospital policies and practices that relate to patient care,       treatment and responsibilities.
• Review the patient's own medical record and to have information explained.

For a copy of JMHCC's patient rights brochure, click here.

For a copy of JMHCC's notice of privacy, click here.

Medical records

To receive copies of your medical records or to have your records transferred to another provider, please complete a form authorizing the release of information. Contact the medical records department at 701-584-7275 or FAX 701-584-3348.

For Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center’s patient payment policy, 
click here.
Patient/Billing Information
If you suddenly become unable to communicate, your family members will be asked numerous questions about your medical care.
Do they know what you want?
Advance care planning establishes your desires in the event that you are unable to participate in your decisions. The advance care planning department at Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center can assist you and your family with your planning needs.
Click here for Advance Care Planning Information.

Health care directives
The North Dakota law regarding “health care directives” is found in Chapter 23-06.5 of the North Dakota Century Code.
A health care directive is a legal document that permits you to:
• Give instructions about any aspect of your health care;
• Choose a person to make health care decisions for you;
• Give instructions about specific medical treatments you do or     do not want;
• Give other instructions, including where you wish to die; or
• Making an anatomical gift.

Upon request, Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center will provide you with information on health care directives, or click here to view a summary of North Dakota law regarding health care directives from the ND Department of Human Services. This includes information on durable power of attorney and living wills.

For more information, contact Social Services designee at 701-584-2792.
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Consider sharing your talents by volunteering at Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center. Play cards, read a story or share your other talents with our long-term care residents.

• Donate your time
• Church services and Bible studies
• Visiting and entertaining
• Hair care
• Crafting
• Baking
• Other activities

Join the JMHCC Auxiliary
Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center Auxiliary volunteers stock the gift cabinet in the hospital lobby to raise funds which are donated back to the hospital. Auxiliary volunteers meet regularly and offer assistance to the hospital in a variety of ways.

Send completed ROI form to medicalrecords@jmhcc.org
JMHCC provides a wide range of activities for its long-term patients. Click on image to see this month's activities.

Things you should know
  • Pricing: On this website, you will find the general price estimate of procedures.
  • Procedures vary: Keep in mind procedure costs can vary. For example, when considering an outpatient service, for one person this may be very straight-forward while another person can have unforeseen complications that could impact the cost.
  • Hospital costs: Additionally, “hospital” costs do not include costs charged by others outside the hospital who are involved in a patient’s procedure such as physicians, some radiologists, anesthesiologists, etc.

The information provided on this website is a best estimate and is not a guarantee of what you will be charged. Based on your unique medical condition and medical needs as determined by your physician, the actual charges will be either lower or higher than the estimates on this website. The actual charges will depend upon a variety of factors such as:

• The length of time spent in surgery or recovery • The number of days spent in the hospital • Specific equipment • Supplies and medications required • Additional tests required by your physician • And/or any unusual special care or unexpected conditions or complications

These estimates do not include any physician charges (e.g. office visit, surgeon, anesthesiologist, emergency room physician, radiologist, pathologist, consulting physicians, etc.). If you have insurance, your benefits will ultimately determine the amount you owe (including deductibles, co-pay, co-insurance, and out-of-pocket maximums).